Why You Need To Define Success On Your Terms


What exactly is “success”? How do people project success? Is success measurable? Furthermore, who determines when someone is “successful”? These are all thoughts that come to mind when I think of the word “success”.

questions what is success

The Definition of Success

By definition, success is a “favorable or desired outcome”. The dictionary breaks success down even further in its kids’ versions which defines success as “the satisfactory completion of something” or “a person or things that succeeds”. Even more interesting, some dictionaries define success as “the gaining of wealth, respect, or fame”. This word “success” is a very loaded term, however, in reading the dictionary it still didn’t help me figure out what success is or what it means to be successful.

If I ask you to define success, I guarantee your definition of success will be different from mine. Sure you can look up the definition as I did, but you won’t find the answer to YOUR definition of success in any book. I can guarantee that no two people will have the same definition of success. To me, success is personal and subjective. Success is all about our own personal belief system, our personal goals, and you guessed it, our personal definitions.

make things happen

Creating Your Own Definition

You can even argue with me that my view of success is wrong. But guess what? You can’t change my mind about what I feel is successful, just like I can’t change yours.

Our placement on this earth is not accidental. We all have a purpose. Even if our goals are similar and our paths seem to align, we will not view success the same way. I may be content at one level, while you keep trying to strive for more and more. And honestly, there is nothing wrong with that.

Today I encourage you to stop the comparison game. Stop falling victim to the comparison trap. Walk in your own path. Create your own life plan. Live your dreams. Do not let anyone define success.

weighing your options scale

If I let others define my success I would not be where I am today. Teen mom fresh out of high school, depending on government benefits to help care for my child. Look it up, the statistics are out there. They do not favor teen moms or children of teen moms. I could have easily accepted what others expected; lived according to those dire teen mom statistics, but I refused to be another statistic and my child certainly would not be. However, with the support of my family, I came up with a plan and started on my journey to success. The road wasn’t easy, but if I never ventured out then, most likely wouldn’t be writing this post for you today.

success go get it
Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pexels

So… how do you project success?

So when asked how do you project success? My answer is simple. There is no projection of success. Success is unique. It is personal and it is yours. It is measurable, but only by each individual. Statistics can attempt to project someone’s level of success, but I am living proof that even statistics are flawed.

You determine your own success. Create your own path. Stop comparing yourself to others. Find your lane and follow it to success.

Until Next Time,


Remember, success is personal and it’s yours. Take care of yourself. Go after what you want and you will find success.

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What exactly is "success"? How do people project success? Is success measurable? Furthermore, who determines when someone is “successful”? If I ask you to define success, I guarantee your definition of success will be different from mine. Let's explore "success"! via @authorwannmo
What exactly is "success"? How do people project success? Is success measurable? Furthermore, who determines when someone is “successful”? If I ask you to define success, I guarantee your definition of success will be different from mine. Let's explore "success"! via @authorwannmo
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why you need to define success on your own terms

0 thoughts on “Why You Need To Define Success On Your Terms”

  1. Thank you for this post. It really makes me think about how much comparison is a killer so why compare my success to somebody else? My success belongs to me and me only.

  2. Thank you for this post. It really makes me think about how much comparison is a killer so why compare my success to somebody else? My success belongs to me and me only.

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