The Scary Truth About Domestic Violence

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence is a heinous crime that impacts millions of men and women across the country. 

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The scary truth about Domestic violence

According to NCADV, an average of 20 people experience intimate partner physical violence every minute. Domestic violence is not just physical. It includes various types of abuse including verbal, emotional, psychological, and even financial abuse. 

Domestic violence occurs in homes at alarming rates. You would be surprised how many people you know that are victims of some type of violence in the home. Abusers are often the most polite, well-kept, upstanding citizens in public, but behind closed doors, the monster appears. 

DV victims need support and empathy to help them through their situation. A mother in a DV situation does not need judgment, criticism, or blame. The cycle and methods of abuse make it difficult for victims to walk away. Add children, finances, and other dynamics to the issue and it gets even more complicated. 

Abuse of any form, including DV, does not equal love. Abuse is not about love at all; it is about power and control.  The abuser has set forth a pattern of control. This pattern impacts how the victim feels helpless, hopeless and powerless to take action. However, there is help available to anyone who is brave enough to take steps to leave an abusive relationship. The first step is not easy. It is scary and sadly, no one can guarantee safety. However, there is professional help, support, and resources available to all who are ready to leave. 

Check out the video at the end of this post by NBC 7 San Diego which highlights DV Awareness month and also provides some valuable resources at the national level.

In case you didn’t know, I am a Certified Domestic Violence Specialist. I have over 10 years of experience assisting and providing services to victims of crime.  Currently, I work in a police department as a Victim Service Specialist, where the majority of my clients are DV victims. I have seen firsthand the impact that DV has on the entire family unit. I a committed each day to bring awareness to the issues of DV and educate those I encounter on the dynamics and varying factors of such a prevalent issue.

If you know someone who is experiencing DV, please do your best to support them and provide them with information regarding available resources and assistance. 

Hope with DV ribbon

If you are a victim of DV, you do not have to suffer alone. Contact the National DV hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). There is a kind voice on the other end waiting to help you. 

It will be hard and yes it is a scary venture into the unknown, but today you can take the first step to safety and reclaiming power in your life. 

If you need a speaker for your next event, contact me. As a part of the Delaware Victim Assistance Academy, I am a trained speaker/facilitator that uses the foundations of dialogue education and adult learning principles. From trauma-informed care to advocacy and collaboration, book me to participate in your next event. 

Circle around DV ribbon


  • October is DV Awareness month
  • Domestic violence is a public issue that impacts everyone
  • Provide support, compassion, and resources to anyone you know that experiences DV
  • If you are in danger “call 9-1-1”.
  • If you need services and resources, contact the National DV hotline at 1-800-799-7233

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